Privacy Policy

Purpose of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter “Policy” or “Privacy Policy”) is intended to provide information to the user of the website with the URL (hereinafter “Site” or “Website”) of which the entity R2M Solution Spain SL is the owner and provider of the information society services (hereinafter “R2M”), with the information on the processing of their personal data provided to R2M, on a voluntary basis, by phone, post mail, email, or by filling out the contact form on this Website.

Regulations applicable to this Privacy Policy

Any processing of personal data carried out on the Website will fall under the scope of the current legislation in Spain on data protection and in particular, the following regulations:

  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 CE (hereinafter “General Data Protection Regulation”).
  • Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.
  • Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce (hereinafter “LSSICE”). 

Acceptance of this Privacy Policy

The interested person who, after reading this Privacy Policy, continues to use the Website will be stating their express acceptance of it and the processing of their personal data for the purposes indicated in this Policy. Otherwise, if the interested person does not accept this Privacy Policy, they must leave the Site. 

Communication of data through the Website

The interested person who accesses this Website is not obliged to provide their personal data for its use; therefore, any data delivery will be made because the interested person has voluntarily decided to browse the Website in a personalized manner and because they are accepting the processing of their personal data for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy. In any case, if the interested person provides personal data to R2M, such data must be truthful, accurate and up-to-date, not being able to provide data from third parties, unless the interested person has obtained the consent of said third parties for the processing of their data for the purposes described below.

Responsible for the treatment of the data

R2M Solution Spain SL is the legal person responsible for the treatment of the personal data collected on this Website and its contact information is the following:

  • Address: Calle Villablanca, 85, despacho nº 109, 28032 Madrid, España.
  • Contact email address:

Legitimation of data processing

The legal basis for processing the data collected on the Website is the consent that the interested person grants R2M when contacting and providing their personal data, voluntarily, by means of a phone call, by sending a message to R2M by post or email, or by checking the boxes enabled in the form published on the Website authorizing the processing of data and sending the completed form.

Purposes of data processing

In accordance with the previous section, and based on the legal consent that the interested person voluntarily grants R2M, their data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • The data provided when contacting R2M by phone or by sending a message through any of the postal or electronic addresses of this entity will be treated to attend and answer the message of the interested person and, where appropriate, send any information related to their request.
  • The data provided by the interested person to R2M as a result of completing the newsletter signup form published on the Website and checking the corresponding box enabled in said form, will be processed to manage the registration of the interested person to the newsletter and send them by email the newsletter and communications related to the development of the CREATORS project. 
  • Likewise, if after giving their consent, the interested person expresses to R2M their refusal or opposes to continue receiving the newsletter, based on the legitimate interest of R2M, their data will be processed to manage the unsubscription from the newsletter service, retaining R2M the data necessary to identify the concerned person in order to avoid sending them any new communication

Recipients of the data 

The data may be communicated to the competent public administrations by reason of the matter in case of compliance with any legal obligation.

Likewise, based on the legal basis of the consent that the interested person grants by checking the box enabled in the newsletter form published on the Website, the email information completed in said form will be communicated to the entities participating in the CREATORS project to send by email to the interested person information about the development of the project, publications or events related to it. The names of the entities receiving the data can be consulted in

In relation to the foregoing, it is reported that the recipient entities of the data of the interested person are located both in countries of the European Union and in countries outside the territory of the European Economic Area that do not provide an adequate level of protection according to the European Commission, constituting the communication of said data in this second case, an international transfer to organizations that are located in third countries outside the European Union. 

In any case, and in order to achieve the purposes of the processing indicated in this Privacy Policy, the data may be processed by third parties in order to provide R2M with auxiliary services and system support and administration tasks, prior the signing of the corresponding contracts with such third parties to carry out the processing with due guarantees of confidentiality and security.


The data will be kept as long as the purposes of the processing indicated in this Privacy Policy are maintained and during the legal terms for the fulfillment of obligations and attention of possible responsibilities derived from the processing.


The interested person may exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, the right to object, the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on prior consent, and the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing (including profiling), by sending a written request to R2M indicating the right exercised and proving their identity by any means valid in Law, in any of the following postal or electronic addresses:

  • Postal address: Calle Villablanca, 85, despacho nº 109, 28032 Madrid, Spain
  • Electronic address:

Likewise, the interested person has the right to revoke the given consent or to oppose the receipt of the newsletter by email by sending their request to, with the word “unsubscribe” or “baja” in the subject of the message. 

In the same way, when the interested person considers that the exercise of any of their rights has not been satisfied, they can file a claim with a Control Authority, in Spain the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, with the following contact information: Calle Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid, telephone 912 663 517 and website 

Prior to any claim and on a voluntary basis, the interested person can contact R2M at the email address:


Any modification of this Policy will be published on the Website, so the interested person is recommended to periodically access this Privacy Policy to know the latest version of it at all times.